Here is the differnce between Rank() and DenseRank() function
Consider Below Table Employee Which is ordered by salary
Table Name: Employee
EmpId Name Salary
1 John 100
2 Jenny 170
3 Mac 170
4 Millon 350
Here is the query to rank employee by salary
Select *, Dense_RANK() over(order by Salary) As DenseRank,RANK() over(order by Salary) As Rank From Employee
Now the tablewill be
EmpId Name Salary Rank DenseRank
1 John 100 1 1
2 Jenny 170 2 2
3 Mac 170 2 2
4 Millon 350 4 3
Dense Rank last value will be the total unique value in table
Hi Shallini,
I am used this concept in my application today , am very happy about this topic ..Thanks a lot :)
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